Embark on a thrilling pirate adventure with ONE PIECE TREASURE CRUISE, an epic anime RPG with over 100 million downloads worldwide. Join Luffy, Nami, Zoro, and all your favorite ONE PIECE characters in their sail through the mythical Grand Line. Recruit heroes and villains, build your dream pirate crew and relive the captivating story that's got fans all over the globe hooked. With a unique turn-based strategy and intuitive tap battle system, set sail into the world of your favorite anime story in ONE PIECE TREASURE CRUISE.
The game brings to life the ONE PIECE anime story, taking you from the beginning through all the key story arcs.
Players can build their ultimate pirate crew from over 2,000 ONE PIECE characters.
ONE PIECE TREASURE CRUISE features an intuitive tap RPG battle system that uses timed attacks for chain attacks and combos.
The game is an exciting blend of turn-based strategy where you can unleash special Tandem attacks and RPG elements that let you explore the diverse world of ONE PIECE.
How To Play
ONE PIECE TREASURE CRUISE is a must-play for any anime and RPG lover. The immersive storyline, combined with the much-loved ONE PIECE characters make this an addictive gaming experience.
Strategically devised battles, character customisation, and the element of nostalgia from the well-executed anime storyline add depth to the gameplay and keeps you coming back for more.